Bella Rosa Stables
Interscholastic Equestrian Association Team
Region 11
About IEA
No rider needs to own a horse.
Classes are offered in four ability levels: beginner, novice, intermediate, open. Any combination of ability levels on a team is permissible, but it is advantageous to have at least one rider in every class to be competitive as a team.
Riders in grades 4-8 are eligible for Middle School Teams while riders in grade 9-12 compete at the High School level.
New Adult Pilot program is in full swing! Open to any amateur 21 years or older.
Points are tracked for individual rider accomplishments AND for overall, team accomplishments. Individuals and teams earn points to qualify for regional, zone and national finals.
Teams take turns hosting horse shows throughout the season. New teams are NOT required to host any shows. Second year teams are required to co-host at least one show. Teams in their Third year or additional years must host one show or co-host two shows per year.
The competition season starts September 1st and ends at the National Finals in late spring / early summer.
Students ride horses that are furnished by the host barn and chosen by random draw. The use of personal tack is not allowed and limited schooling is permitted. This equalizes competition variables and tests the horsemanship of the contestants.